Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach. Rambam. False Messiah. Midrash


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Haskoma Rabbi Yosef Braun, Beth Din of Crown Heights
Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach. Aharon Lieberman. Rambam. False Messiah. Midrash


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Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach: An in depth analysis on the topic of Moshiach from the maisim as discussed by Chazal, Rishonim, Acharonim and its practical application in Halacha. Rambam. False Messiah. Midrash

Haskoma Rabbi Yosef Braun, Beth Din of Crown Heights
Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach, has received approbations from prominent Rabbis from around the World. This English abridged version of Kuntres Shmoi Shel Moshiach, provides an in depth analysis of what our Sages discussed about the possibility of Moshiach coming from the maisim.

It appears to have been a common belief among our Sages, that Moshiach from the maisim is a veritable possibility. Most importantly as shown in the Kuntres, this is a possibility that the Rambam did not rule out Halachically.

As shown in the Kuntres, whole passages in the Talmud Bavli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrash, all discuss the possibility of Moshiach coming from both the living or the maisim, and appear to record precedents of students continuing to state their belief that their Rav is “fit to be Moshiach” even after their passing.
As demonstrated in the Kuntres, according to our Sages, Moshiach can be any righteous Tzadik, who is scrupulous in his Torah learning, meticulous in his performance of Mitzvos, who is of Davidic lineage, and is either alive or mais. The Kuntres also explicitly explains as to why Judaism rejects False Messiah’s, and quotes from the Rambam, Ramban and references Sandedrin 107b, to explain as to why Judaism summarily rejects Chistianity and its founder. The Jewish concept of “fit to be Moshiach” is elucidated at length.
The Kuntres is written in a way of “L’Hagdil Torah U’La’Hadira”. The target audience of this Kuntres is all those who love Hashem, love His Torah, and love their fellow Jew. Its goal is to shine a light on this topic, in order to help increase peace and unity within our holy nation.
May our increase in Torah study of matters pertaining to Moshiach and Geulah, and our increase in peace and unity between our fellow Jews, help us merit to see the true and complete Redemption with the coming of our righteous Moshiach speedily in our days!


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