מדרש רבות יוזעפאף

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“Stamp Kleinman Yakov


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“Stamp Kleinman Yakov.  Штамп Яков Моисеевич Клейнман город Сорока”
Midrash Rabot Devorim. Eicha, Koheleth Jozefow 1867.
מדרש רבות דברים איכה קהלת יוזעפאף
“Jozefow a small town was established in the first half of the 18th century, it was owned by the Zamoyski family. From its beginning, Jozefow was a Polish- Jewish settlement, with the latter being in the majority.

Towards the end of the 18th century, Christians resided on the outskirts and the central part of the town was wholly owned by Jews. The town had its own paper mill and a tool shop. At the beginning of the 19th century, the paper mill was leased by the Wax family who was instrumental in making Jozefow an important center for printing within the Jewish communities.

Half of the local inhabitants earned their living by printing and selling religious books in Hebrew. Many of the books were exported to other European countries and even to Turkey. However, a few decades later the printing house went bankrupt as it could not compete effectively with modern printing houses in Lublin, Warsaw, and Vilnius. Equally detrimental was Russian censorship.” via HolocaustResearchProject