מעריך מנחם די לונזאנו


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הפלאה שבערכין מעריך מנחם די לונזאנו
Hafla’ah ShebaArakhin on Sefer HeArukh
Maarikh Menachem Lonzano.
Ma’arikh, explanations in alphabetical order of foreign words in the Talmud, the Midrashim, and the Zohar. His knowledge of Arabic and Greek, gained during his toilsome journeys, proved of great service in his philosophical investigations. In the introduction to this part, he speaks, not without humor, of his new method of treating these loan words and of the way he came to adopt it. Thus Lonzano actually reintroduced into lexicography the rational, scientific spirit of the old, classic Hebræo-Arabic philologists, despite the opposition of his contemporaries and against the authority of old, recognized teachers, including even the author of the Arukh. The valuable summary of the Ma’arikh by Philippe d’Aquin (Paris, 1629) has been published in modern times by A. Jellinek (Leipzig, 1853), and is printed in the Lemberg edition of the Arukh of Nathan ben Jehiel of Rome under the title Arba’ah Sefarim Niftaḥim (1857)