Telshe Telz Yeshiva 1948. בבא קמא טלז


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Very Good, Cleveland 1948


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Very Good, Cleveland 1948 Stamp Rabbi Samuel Niman Jerusalem

Bava Kama Telshe Telz Yeshiva Cleveland 1948 Stencil. Shiurim Yehuda Leib Bloch – Chaim Rabbinowitz
Chaim Shalom Tuvia Rabinowitz, also known as Reb Chaim Telzer, (1856 – 21 October 1931) was an Orthodox Lithuanian rabbi and rosh yeshiva of the Telshe yeshiva. He developed a unique method of Talmudic analysis which became renowned throughout the yeshiva world as the Telzer Derech.
He was born in the town of Luokė, Lithuania,[3] and studied under rabbis Meir Simcha of Dvinsk, Yisroel Salanter, and Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor.

שעורי רבותינו על מסכת בבא קמא הוצאת תלמידי ישיבת טלז קליוולאנד,א שנת תש”ח

סעור שעורי רבותינו, ראשי הישיבה הק’ הטלז: מרן הגמהרי “ל בלאך זצוק”ל ומרן הגר”ח ראבינאוויטש זצוק”ל


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