Delmedigo Posted on July 20, 2018August 7, 2019 by admin Facebook0Pinterest0 Delmedigo translated several Averroist treatises for Pico photo “The Haggadah of Passover of the Maharal” Delmedigo translated several Averroist treatises for Pico Della Mirandola Related posts:Rabbi ‘Giuseppe’ Delmedigo And ‘Rabbi’ Galileoהכתב והקבלה, Haketav VehakabbalahKabbalah: Rosicrucian Digest $0.00 KindleGuillaume Postel's Proficiency in Armaic and HebrewSefer Raziel HaMalach. Kabbalah. רזיאל המלאך .קאזשיניץRafael HaMalach by Yudel Rosenberg More from my siteRabbi ‘Giuseppe’ Delmedigo And ‘Rabbi’ GalileoFarbrengen Yud ShevatSoncino, Berachot 5244The Second Temple EraGrammatika grecheskogo yazykaEin Yaakov: The Ethical and Inspirational Teachings of the Talmud