תורת שמואל.מים רבים
Mayim Rabim, Toras Shmuel 1946
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Discourses began to be published for the first time under the title Likkutei Torat Shmuel Kehot and 12 volumes have so far been printed Mayim Rabim as it begins with the verse “Mayim Rabim lo yochlu l’chabot et Ahava” [Many waters will not be able to extinguish the love]. Delivered by the Rebbe in 1876 and first printed, Likutei Torah, Torat Shmuel Brooklyn, 1946Avraham Aveinu knew that the Jews would need to face a challenge in order to achieve their ultimate purpose, and he had the choice between sending them to Gehinnom or requiring them to make a parnossa in galus. We know which one he chose – but how does the struggle of making a parnossa enable our soul to achieve its ultimate purpose in this world? Avraham Aveinu knew that the Jews would need to face a challenge in order to achieve their ultimate purpose, and he had the choice between sending them to Gehinnom or requiring them to make a parnossa in galus. We know which one he chose – but how does the struggle of making a parnossa enable our soul to achieve its ultimate purpose in this world? via Simply Chassidus