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In My Father’s Court, Isaac Singer
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The Promised Child by Avner Gold
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The Haggadah of the Chinese Jews, Cecil Roth
sold “The Chinese were somehow impressed by the Jewish custom of not eating the sinew of the thigh. “Therefore do the children of Israel not eat the sinew … “1 They called the Jews in China, “the pluckers of the sinew”. As an illustration I show the name here in Chinese characters. The curiosity of […]
Chovos HaLevavos, Vilna 1858
Chovat haLevavot, Yiddish, Marpeh Lanefesh Duties of the Heart Vilna 1858 “эта книга приднолезить “, Обязаности Сердец – this book belongs to (in Cyrillics) $40 PayPal Chovos HaLevavos – Duties of the Heart, free english translation
Yiddish English Hebrew Dictionary
Yiddish-English-Hebrew Dictionary: A Reprint of the 1928 Expanded Second Edition by Alexander Harkavy, Mordkhe Schaechter sold
A Bookbinder’s Craft @ NYT
In the basement of the Congregation Sons of Moses synagogue on the Lower East Side, hulking iron machines rattle and clank amid rolls of colored paper and strips of dark leather. NYT
The Second World Over Story Book
The Matzo Man by Robert Garvey $20 PayPal
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Sefer Ha shorashim, Radicum Liber
Sefer Ha Shorashim , Radicum liber, Hebraeum Бibliorum lexicon; by Kimhi, David Publisher Berolini, Bethge Pages 496, Hebrew, Latin via Archive.org