The Expedition to the Judean Desert, 1960 by Avigad, Aharoni, Bar-Adon, Yadin, Lifshitz, Zaitschek sold
Tzaraat in Light of Its Mesopotamian Parallels
” Notwithstanding its lengthy coverage of tzaraat (צרעת, biblical “leprosy”), why does the Torah omit discussion of its cause (sin?), its infectiousness, and its treatment? Comparison to the Mesopotamian rituals pertaining to a strikingly similar disease (Saḫaršubbû) shows that these omissions were far from accidental.”by Dr. Yitzhaq Feder (more)
Guillaume Postel’s Proficiency in Armaic and Hebrew
Guillaume Postel‘s Proficiency in Aramaic and Hebrew by Judith Weiss The Quality of Guillaume Postel’s Zohar Latin Translation
New Midrashic fragments from a 13th c
“Inside the “Italian Genizah” two new bifolios from a 13th century Hebrew manuscript containing parts of Midrash Qohelet zutà 2-3, Ekàh Rabbà, and Midrash Tehillim 12,4-14,4 and 18,14-24, were recently discovered. ” via Mauro Perani
The Romance of the Hebrew Alphabet
$16 Paypal The Jewish Library edited by Leo Jung 1930
Levinas et la mystique juive
Emmanuel Levinas et la mystique juive. : la réaction de Charles Mopsik
Grammatika grecheskogo yazyka
[amazon template=add to cart&asin=5397053651] Грамматика греческого языка В книге чешского филолога Индриха Нидерле представлена грамматика древнегреческого языка.
The letter ‘ain in Egyptian, Coptic, Greek and Arabic
The letter ‘ain in Egyptian, Coptic, Greek and Arabic