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דרשות מהר”ם פארהאנד אוהל משה
Drashot R. Moshe Forhand,Ohel Moshe. Makov, Nitra
Hagaon Harav Moshe Forhand, Vorhand Av Beis Din o f Makov, (1860-1943) was among the preeminent sages of pre-war Hungary who disseminated Torah to thousands. He was the prime disciple of the Chassan Sofer to whom he regarded with awe and reverance, and to whom cleaved throughout his life, He also acquired knowledge and depth of chassidus from the Rebbes of Belz, Shinova and Sighet. Harav Moshe Forhand taught Torah and relayed the Chassan Sofer’s teachings for over a half century in the communities of Nitra and Makov. He lived a life of absolute piety and purity, and would often engage in fasts and abstentions. He perished approximately one week prior to the deportation of Jews from Makov. His legacy includes Ohel Moshe and Chayei Moshe.
מהר”ם פארהאנד אוהל משה
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דרשות מהר”ם פארהאנד אוהל משה
Drashot R. Moshe Forhand,Ohel Moshe. Makov, Nitra
Hagaon Harav Moshe Forhand, Vorhand Av Beis Din o f Makov, (1860-1943) was among the preeminent sages of pre-war Hungary who disseminated Torah to thousands. He was the prime disciple of the Chassan Sofer to whom he regarded with awe and reverance, and to whom cleaved throughout his life, He also acquired knowledge and depth of chassidus from the Rebbes of Belz, Shinova and Sighet. Harav Moshe Forhand taught Torah and relayed the Chassan Sofer’s teachings for over a half century in the communities of Nitra and Makov. He lived a life of absolute piety and purity, and would often engage in fasts and abstentions. He perished approximately one week prior to the deportation of Jews from Makov. His legacy includes Ohel Moshe and Chayei Moshe.
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