Shabbat Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon


Free Shipping Like New Hardcover 2 Vols


Free Shipping Like New Hardcover 2 Vols
Vol. 1: Gateway to Shabbat Halakhic Overview Cooking Vol. 2: Sowing Plowing Reaping Gathering Threshing Selecting Sifting Winnowing Grinding Kneading
”Shabbat” by Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, discusses topics related to eleven of the thirty-nine primary categories of labor (avot melakha) of Shabbat, those connected to the bread-making process (sidura dePat), from Sowing (zore’a) through Cooking (mevashel). The book presents the halakha by analyzing all relevant sources from the Torah, through the Mishna and Talmud, earlier and later halakhic authorities (Rishonim and Aharonim), as well as contemporary halakhic authorities, tracing each halakha from the source through the latest practical applications.