Megillath Esther,with Rashi’s commentary. We have also drawn from lbn Ezra and the Targum, Mikraoth Gedoloth. $12 PayPal After these standard commentaries, we have quoted Targum Sheni, Midrash Abba Gurion, Midrash Lekah Tov, Rabbi Isaiah da Trani, and Rabbi Eleazar of Worms, Malbim and the Gra. We have also enclosed a diagram of Ahasuerus‘s palace, […]
Shemot, Studies in Rashi
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Bamidbar,Rashi Menukad. translated by Rabbi Rosenbaum, Rev. Silbermann
Breshith, Rashi Companion
Дварим 31:29, Фрима Гурфинкель
$19 Amazon, $18 free shipping PayPalPentateuch: Devarim, Deuteronomy by Frima Gurfinkel Hebrew Russian with Rashi’s Commentary ” Моше представлялось, что, пока жив Йеошуа, жив также и он.”
Pentateuch with Targum Onkelos, Haphtaroth and Rashi’s Commentary … Deuteronomy
sold. Deuteronomy, Dvarim, Pentateuch with Targum Onkelos, Haphtaroth and Rashi. Rashi and Onkelos are Menukad. by Rev. M. Rosenbaum and Dr. A. M. Silbermann
… and he called it Nobah. mappik
The word לה has no Mappik in the ה (as the word לָהּ “to it”, usually has). Now I have seen the following in the work of rabbi Moshe haDarshan (Moses the Preacher): Because this name did not remain permanently to it, therefore the letter ה is weak (without a Mappik), — the implication of […]