New Midrashic fragments from a 13th c Posted on April 10, 2017April 10, 2017 by admin Facebook0Pinterest0“Inside the “Italian Genizah” two new bifolios from a 13th century Hebrew manuscript containing parts of Midrash Qohelet zutà 2-3, Ekàh Rabbà, and Midrash Tehillim 12,4-14,4 and 18,14-24, were recently discovered. ” via Mauro Perani Related posts:Grammatika grecheskogo yazykaMidrash haHefez at Sotheby'sMidrash Rabbah by Mirkin. Menukad. 11 Vols Set. מדרש רבה משה אריה מירקיןThe letter 'ain in Egyptian, Coptic, Greek and ArabicThe Expedition to the Judean DesertThe Sources of the Midrash Echah Rabbah More from my siteSlavuta had lost its final battle.Ruth Rabah, Midrashלקט ציונים והערות לשולחן ערוך אדמו”ר הזקןRafael HaMalach by Yudel RosenbergEin YaakovMidrash haHefez at Sotheby’s