Sichos in Engish Lubavitcher Rebbe Adar – Sivan 5749 Vol 41


Adar I – Sivan 5749, Vol 41. Excerpts, of Sichos delivered by Rabbi MenachemM. Schneerson, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, translated into English. Various Parshas, starting with Terumah and Tetzaveh, Rosh Chodes Adar II, Purim, Machne Israel Special Development Fund, Letters sent out by the Rebbe on certain occasions, Pesach, Lag B’Omer, Shavuos, up to, the Eve of the 13th of Sivan 5749
Shabbos Parshas Terumah, 6th Day of Adar I, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Tetzaveh, 13th Day of Adar I, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa, 20th Day of Adar I, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Vayakhel, Parshas Shekalim, 27th Day of Adar I, 5749 (1989)
1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Pekudei, 4th Day of Adar II, 5749 (1989)

Shabbos Parshas Vayikra, Parshas Zachor, 11th Day of Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Taanis Esther, 5749 (1989)
Purim, 5749 (1989)
Motzaei Shushan Purim, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Tzav, Parshas Parah, 18th Day of Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Machne Israel Special Development Fund, 20th of Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Yechidus, Eve of the 22nd Day of Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Shemini, Parshas HaChodesh, 25th Day of Adar II, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Tazria, 3rd Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Metzora, Shabbos HaGadol, 10th Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Motzaei Shabbos Parshas Metzora, Eve of 11th of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Maamar Matzah Zu, Eve following the 13th Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Tzivos Hashem, 19th Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
6th Day of Pesach, 5749 (1989)
Shevi’i Shel Pesach – Before the Tahaluchah, 5749 (1989)
Acharon Shel Pesach, 5749 (1989)
Maamar VeHechrim, Acharon Shel Pesach, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Acharei, 24th Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Yechidus, 26th Day of Nissan, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Kedoshim, Second Day of Rosh Chodesh Iyar, 5749 (1989)
2nd Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Emor, 8th Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Behar, 15th Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Eve of Lag BaOmer, 5749 (1989)
Evening Following Lag BaOmer, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Bechukosai, 22nd Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Address to the Women’s Convention, 23rd Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Shabbos Parshas Bamidbar, 29th Day of Iyar, 5749 (1989)
Rosh Chodesh Sivan, 5749 (1989)

Eve of the 4th Day of Sivan, Beginning of Shloshes Yemei Hagbalah, 5749 (1989)
1st Day of Shavuos – After Minchah, 5749 (1989)
2nd Day of Shavuos, 5749 (1989)
Yechidus, 9th Day of Sivan, 5749 (1989)
12th Day of Sivan, 5749 (1989)
Eve of the 13th of Sivan, 5749 (1989)


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