Celebrating The Miracle of Purim, Bava Basra 73b

Maharsha On Aggados Vol.2 $10 PayPal Gemara: Rabbah bar Bar Chanah further said: Sailing on a ship, we saw a large fish; a small creeping creature entered its nostrils,[and killed it.] The ocean disgorged the dead fish and dumped it on the shore, destroying sixty cities. Sixty cities ate from its flesh, and sixty cities […]

Maharal’s Be’er ha-Golah and His Revolution in Aggadic Scholarship

Kindle $ 0.99 This is an article from Hakirah volume 4. In the realm of classic Jewish thought, Rabbi Yehudah Liva ben Bezִalel, the Maharal of Prague, was a solitary revolutionary, especially in the elucidation of Aggadah, the nonlegal components of the Talmud and Midrash. On the one hand, he belonged to no well-defined school, […]