Basi Legani, Mayim Rabim By M. M. Schneerson Lessons in Sefer HaMaamarim

Maamarim: Basi Legani 5711 “I came into my garden” – refers to the love a leader has for his people. Lo Sih’yeh Meshakeilah 5712 “there shall be no barren woman” – refers to the state of being devoid of the emotions of love and fear BeYom Ashtei-Asar Yom 5731 “on the 11th day” – 11th […]

י”ט כסלו ,חי אלול, יב – יג תמוז, Sefer HaMaamarim 1958, 18 Elul

eBay 18, Free Shipping ספר המאמרים ה’תש”ח Sefer HaMaamarim יוסף יצחק שניאורסאהן KEHOT 1958 Signed by Saul Fasten