The Lag B’omer Parade 1984 – 5744 $12 PayPal
Matzah Zu
Toras Shmuel 1946
In 1945, Kehot began publishing the discourses of the Rebbe Maharash. The first volumes were facsimile copies of the transcriptions of Reb Shmuel Sofer, principal copyist in the village of Lubavitch.
Tract on Prayer, RaShaB
Tract on Prayer: Kuntres Hatefillah by Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn 1992 translated by Rabbi Y. Eliezer Danzinger sold
Sotah 33 A,B,C,D
Schottenstein Travel Edition of the Talmud Sotah, English Full Set (Paperback) $38 PayPal “…there are only 48 pages in Sotah because, as in all Gemaras, it starts on page 2! What will be studied on the 49th day?”
Kuntres Yud Gimmel Nissan
The Rebbe encourages us to learn the works of a Rebbe in Nigleh and Chassidus on his Yom Hilula, and to learn (at least one perek) Mishnayos beginning with the letters of his name. Yagdil Torah compiled a publication with Mishnayos and selected pieces of the Tzemach Tzedek‘s Torah. The publication will be available in […]
22 Shvat, the Rebbetzin
$18 PayPal The Life and Times of The Rebbetzin
Likutey Sichos – Kitzurim
לקוטי שיחות מהדורא קמא קיצורי השיחות על ספר בראשית קיצורי השיחות על ספר שמות קיצורי השיחות על ספר ויקרא קיצורי השיחות על ספר במדבר קיצורי השיחות על ספר דברים
Yud Shvat, Likkutei Sichos
יו”ד שבט Likkutei Sichos Vol. 21 5743 $12 PayPal
Shvat 10, Sichos in English
Sichos in English Tishrei Shvat 5740 (Large 11×8.5)
Hei Teves Didan Notzach
Hei Teves Didan Notzach: The Victory of the Seforim (Paperback) by Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky $10 PayPal