Adorno on Politics after Auschwitz

Adorno on Politics after Auschwitz by Gary A. Mullen, Books on Google In the minds of many critical theorists, Theodor W. Adorno epitomizes the failure of critical theory to provide any concrete guidance for political practice. His name is almost synonymous with the retreat of the progressive intellectual from the creeping totalitarianism of contemporary mass […]

Sefer Chafetz Chayim

$18 Amazon PayPal $19 free shipping Sefer Chofetz Chayim Preface & Introduction Mazal Elul (Hardcover) by Chofetz Chaim, Yedidya Levy the laws of proper speech into our lives, we must first understand and sensitize ourselves to the importance of watching our words. With a clear and concise English translation facing the large-type, vowelized Hebrew, Mazal […]